He was born on December the 12th 1948 in Stefanesti, Botosani, Romania. He graduates the IP University from Iasi, Romania.He is a member of the Plastic Artists Union from Romania. In 1983 he has a personal exhibition at the Cupola Art Galleries from Iasi, Romania and another one at the Rotonda Art Galleries. In 1984 he has a personal exhibition at the Victoria Art Galleries and a collective ehibition at the Artists Fall Exhibition from Iasi, Romania. In 1985 he has a personal exhibition at the Rotonda Art Galleries and another one at the Victoria Art Galleries. In 1987 he has a personal exhibition at the Victoria Art Galleries and a collective ehibition atThe Small Theatre Art Galleries, Bucharest, Romania; he also participates in the Republican Exhibition from Dalles Hall, Bucharest, Romania. In 1988 he has he has a personal exhibition at the Cupola Art Galleries from Iasi, Romania and a colective exhibition at the Art Galleries, Focsani, Romania; he also partipates in the Biannual painting exhibition from Dalles Hallroom, Bucharest, Romania 1989 He particpates at the Fall Exhibition from Iasi, Romania 1990 he has a personal exhibition at the Cupola Art Galleries from Iasi and he particpates in a collective exhibition from the Art Galleries of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova In 1992he has a personal exhibition at the Stefan Dumitrescu Galleries from Iasi, Romania and two colective exhibitions in Ausburg, Germany and Stockholm, Sweden. In 1993 he participates in a collective exhibition at the Adeko Art Galleries from Paris, France and a personal exhibition at La Petite Galerie, Paris, France. In 1998 has a personal exhibition at the Cupola Art Galleries from Iasi, Romania and a personal exhibition at the Adeko Art Galleries from Paris, France In 1999 he has a personal exhibition at the Gheorghe Asachi Library, Iasi, Romania. In 2000 and 2002 he has a personal exhibition at the Cupola Art Galleries from Iasi, Romania. In 2004 he has a personal exhibition at the Tatarasi Atheneum Galleries, Iasi, Romania, a colective exhibition at the World Trade Centre Iasi, in Maintz, Germany and a personal exhibition at the Cupola Art Galleries from Iasi, Romania. In 2005 he has a personal exhibition at the World Trade Centre Iasi, Romania. In 2007 he has a personal exhibition at the Cupola Art Galleries from Iasi, Romania and he is awarded the Special Prize for Painting by the Plastic Artists Union from Iasi, Romania. In 2008 he has a colective exhibition at the World Trade Centre Iasi and particpates in the Fall Painting Exhibition 'Iasi 600' from WTC Iasi; he receives the Special Prize for his Art album at the International Book Fair 2008, 17th edition, Romania. In 2009 he has a personal exhibition at the Cupola Art Galleries from Iasi, Romania, a collective exhibition in Bucharest, Romania at Dragan Georgevici Galleries; he also receives the Excellence Diploma for his 2008 Exhibitions from the Plastic Artists Union, Iasi, Romania. He has works in numeorus private collections from Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Sweden, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, SUA.